File Complaint

The Duplin County Sheriff’s Office acknowledges its responsibility to establish a procedure to investigate citizens’ complaints. A complaint may be filed in person, by mail, or by telephone. However, it may be necessary that the complainant be available for personal interview. Complaint forms are available at the Duplin County Sheriff’s Office administrative building located at 112 West Hill Street, Kenansville, or downloaded at the link below:
When completing the form, please:
Fill in the information blanks providing as much information as known, including any witnesses. Please write, type, or print clearly so that all of the information provided will be understood.
Complete a detailed statement outlining the allegation(s), facts, and circumstances surrounding the incident. It is important that exact statements, actions, or circumstances are described in detail when possible. Forms must be signed by complainant.
Completed and signed forms may either be delivered in person to the address above, or mailed to:
Duplin County Sheriff’s Office
Citizens’ Complaints
Attention: Lt. Shane Miller
P. O. Box 908
Kenansville, NC 28349
Forms may also be saved as a PDF document and emailed as an attachment to:
Personnel complaints are defined as any allegation of misconduct or improper job performance against any agency employee. Personnel complaints are classified as
Informal – a matter in which the complaining party is satisfied that appropriate action has been or will be taken by an agency supervisor of rank greater than the accused employee.
Formal –a matter in which the complaining party requests further investigation or which an agency supervisor determines that further action is warranted.
Incomplete – a matter in which the complaining party either refuses to cooperate or becomes unavailable after diligent follow-up investigation. Such complaints may still be investigated by an agency supervisor of rank greater than the accused employee or referred to Internal Affairs depending on the seriousness and complexity of the investigation.
It may be necessary for you to present your stated complaint in person before a hearing board in the event this complaint results in any disciplinary proceedings against the employee.
All investigations will be thorough, objective, and focused on maintaining public confidence and agency integrity. The goal of every investigation will be to identify and evaluate all the facts surrounding the incident in question.
Investigations by the Duplin County Sheriff’s Office concerning the conduct of its employees, and the District Attorney’s independent decision to prosecute a criminal case are two entirely separate matters. If a person arrested by sheriff’s deputies files a citizen’s complaint against those deputies, such action will in no manner affect the prosecutor’s decision to proceed with the criminal case.